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?Technological skepticism is damaging our position in world markets.? FAZ
October 2004.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schoeder called for more open-mindedness towards
the use of genetic engineering.
?There is no ill-will towards the technology in Germany, rather an extreme
reluctance to implement genetic engineering.?
?In comparison to Americans, Germans think about the risks first.? But,
Schroeder noted during a convention for the Council for Engineering Sciences
at the Union of the German Academies of Science and Humanities (Acatech)
that he is hoping that within German society a new awareness of the
possibilities from genetic engineering will develop.
Schroeder complained before the German Federal Council that there is a too
restrictive stance that stems from the mindset of environmental movements,
traditional technology skepticism and Christian motivations.
?This is leading to a situation that weakens our market position and does
not promote German innovation,? said the German Chancellor.
Schroeder noted, he is not demanding a change in the situation, ?rather it
requires a new discussion.? He further added that the German society finds
itself in an important transition phase, in which ?many painful social
reforms? are necessary, whose positive effects would be realized with time.
The President of the German Research Society, Ernst-Ludwig Windnacker,
warned about a drop in Europe?s scientific competitiveness with America. For
years now, Europe has clearly received less Nobel Prize winners as America
has. The difference between funding for research and development in America
and the original 15 EU countries has increased from 21 billion to 140
billion euros over the recent years.
Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung;
Translation: Robert Derham, Checkbiotech;
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