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Checkbiotech: Rabobank says half of world cotton may soon be GM
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: August 28, 2005 06:00PM ; ;

Genetically modified (GM) cotton planted worldwide may account for more than
50 percent by 2006-07 from the present 35 percent. This was the projection
of a cotton industry report released by the Netherlands-based Rabobank
Groep. Bloomberg News quotes Rabobank as saying that ?The expansion of GM
production, particularly in regions which already operate under a fairly
low-cost production system, will have long-term implications upon the
marginal cost of production and, subsequently, prices.?

Rabobank noted that farmers in India and Brazil have started to use the
technology and thus will contribute to yield increase. Brazil, the world's
fifth-largest cotton-grower, is projected to become the largest growth
market for biotech cotton. It noted that the inherent cost savings was
expected to encourage the use of GM seed and thus strengthen the South
American country?s cotton exports, August 2005 .


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