www.czu.cz ; www.usab-tm.ro ; www.raupp.info
Plant cells accumulate proline when under drought and salt stress, as it can
protect cellular structures from drying out. The gene for
pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) has been found to increase proline
production. Once introduced into rice, wheat, and carrot plants, the gene
has also been found to increase tolerance to salt stress, September 2005.
Aida Hmida-Sayari and colleagues work on another crop this time, as they
report that the ?Overexpression of ?1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase
increases proline production and confers salt tolerance in transgenic potato
plants.? Their research appears in the October issue of the Journal of Plant
Researchers transferred the Arabidopsis P5CS gene to potatoes through
Agrobacterium transformation, and found that the transgenic potato plants
accumulated proline and grew in high salinity conditions. They also found
that the high salt stress lowered tuber yield and weight by as much as 63%
in non-transgenic potato lines, while tubers from transgenic lines were not
as greatly affected.
Subscribers of ScienceDirect or the Journal of Plant Science can read the
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