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Asian soybean rust fungus genome reveals clues to help control
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: June 26, 2023 01:13PM

Decoding a genome provides information about how an organism functions. In the case of the Asian soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), the scientists understood why it is highly variable and how this severe soybean disease can be managed to prevent production losses to farmers worldwide.

Members of the International Asian Soybean Rust Genome Consortium were able to sequence and assemble the genome of three samples of the fungus P. pachyrhizi that causes Asian soybean rust disease. The fungus has been hard to handle due to its ability to adapt to control measures â?? it either loses its sensitivity to fungicides or breaks the genetic resistance present in soybean cultivars.

Researchers found that it was composed of about 93% repetitive DNA transposons that can change places in the genome, contributing to its high variability trait. They also identified the fungus' full set of effectors that led to understanding how the pathogen's attack strategies work, which is crucial in developing control strategies against it.


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