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Scientists uncover how plants "see" shades of light, temperature
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: May 24, 2024 12:41PM

Researchers from University of California Riverside discovered that
membrane-free organelles help plants identify shades of light and sense
temperature. Future studies may involve controlling where the organelles
form to help plants adjust to climate change.

Membrane-bound compartments or organelles have been heavily studied by
scientists. However, there is limited research on membrane-free organelles,
such as photobodies, which help plants sense light and temperature.
Membrane-less organelles are more difficult to study due to molecules
constantly moving in and out of them.

A team from UC Riverside increased the size of the membrane-free organelles
to analyze their function. "Membrane-less organelles help plants distinguish
a whole range of different light intensities. Without them, plants would not
be able to 'see' changes in light intensity," said Chen, one of the
researchers. In another study, the team studied the relationship between the
organelles and temperature. They learned that as temperature increases, the
number of membrane-less organelles decreases. The results also demonstrated
that some of the organelles are temperature-sensitive while others are not.


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