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A review and outlook on expression of animal proteins in plants
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: September 04, 2024 12:07PM

Researchers from DT/Consulting Group and partners reviewed the advantages
and considerations regarding the plant expression of animal proteins.

The human population is continuously growing and is estimated to reach 9
billion by 2050. Due to this, it is necessary to find alternative sources of
protein that can meet nutritional needs while reducing the impact on the
environment. Plants that produce animal proteins provide a sustainable and
resource-efficient way to diversify protein production and contribute to
food security.

Researchers analyzed the plant expression of animal proteins and the impact
of this technology. The team highlighted the importance of identifying
public values and attitudes, so policymakers can provide clear guidance and
improve adoption of the technology by consumers. The study mentioned the
economic opportunities for alternative protein products, such as animal-free
dairy and plant-based meat analogs, which will make them key players in the
market. The results also showed that the application of CRISPR-Cas9 helps
minimize or eliminate the expressed allergenic proteins to ensure the safety
of consumers.


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