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Checkbiotech: UK backs end to bans on GM crops
Posted by: DR. RAUPP ; madora (IP Logged)
Date: June 25, 2005 08:38AM ; ;

The UK is backing plans which could make it more likely that genetically
modified crops are grown across Europe, june 2005.

Ministers say they will vote for a European Commission proposal to
overturn blanket bans of GM crops in five EU countries.

France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg and Austria all have bans on certain GM
types. The UK says the crops should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Environment Minister Elliot Morley said the UK was acting on scientific

He told BBC Radio 4's Farming Today: "We'll vote on the basis of the
scientific advice that we've received.

"And they are all saying that as there has been no new evidence brought
forward to defend the argument for a blanket ban, there is no reason not to
support the commission."

Opinion gap?

Mr Morley acknowledged there was widespread public opposition to GM crops
which could not be ignored.

"But on the other hand we cannot deviate from the scientific advice because
otherwise we do leave ourselves open to pressure from commercial companies,
for example, and we are not going to bow to that," he said.

The vote will be held at the council of European environment ministers on

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says it does not
expect GM crops to be grown commercially in the UK until at least 2008.

It says each crop should be examined individually rather than using blanket
approvals or blanket bans.

Emily Diamond, from Friends of the Earth, said the UK was looking
increasingly isolated in Europe with its pro-GM voting record.


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