www.czu.cz ; www.usab-tm.ro ; www.raupp.info
An article in this month?s Plant Physiology reports on the ?Comparison of
Tuber Proteomes of Potato Varieties, Landraces, and Genetically Modified
Lines,? a study conducted by Satu J. Lehesranta and colleagues of the
University of Kuopio, Finland. Using 2-dimensional protein electrophoresis,
researchers compared 32 non-genetically modified (GM) genotypes, 21
tetraploid cultivars, 8 landraces, and 3 diploid lines, July 2005.
Researchers found that only 9 out of 730 proteins showed significant
differences between GM lines and their controls. There was much less
variation between GM lines and their non-GM controls, compared with that
found between different varieties and landraces. Moreover, no new proteins
unique to individual GM lines were observed; thus, there was no evidence for
any major changes in protein pattern in the GM lines tested.
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