www.czu.cz/vyzkum/publikace/ Manfred G.Raupp; www.raupp.info
On 28 June, European Environment ministers failed to reach an agreement in
favour of or against the European Commission's proposal to authorise the
import and processing of the genetically modified maize NK603 in the EU.
In the absence of a Council decision, the file will now go back to the
Commission for final decision. The decision is expected within the coming
weeks. The maize has been modified for increased tolerance to the
herbicide glyphosate by the company Monsanto. If authorised, the maize
would be used as any other maize, except for cultivation and food uses.
Its authorisation would be for 10 years and it would have to be clearly
labelled as being genetically modified. The approval for food uses is
pending decision under EU GM Food legislation.
More information on the regulation of GMOs in the EU
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