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Wild Sorghum Offers Toolbox for Climate-Proof Crops
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: July 28, 2021 03:19AM

Researchers at the Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) Project have developed a
much-needed toolkit of previously undescribed genesand traits to help
breed more climate-resilient varieties.

A study by a research group in Australiaused recent advances in gene
sequencingand mapping to develop new sorghum populations using crop wild
relatives and local varieties collected from a range of environments
across Africa. The different traits of these wild relatives offer
potential adaptability to climate change. This new, expansive set of
genes and traits from different environments will accelerate and improve
the development of new, resilient sorghum varieties adapted to a range
of localities and conditions.

"Making this whole range of genes, including those from wild relatives,
available to researchers and breeders is a huge accomplishment," says
Benjamin Kilian, who manages the CWR Project. "This will ultimately lead
to crops that can better stand the pressures caused by climate change,
improving food security in many regions across the world."

Wild Sorghum Offers Toolbox for Climate-Proofing Future Crops - Crop

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