Sorghum (/Sorghum bicolor/L. (Moench)) is the world's fifth economically
most important cereal and is a staple in the semi-arid tropics of Africa
and Asia. Sorghum has gained popularity due to the rise in demand for
gluten-free specialty grains rich in health-promoting and food oxidative
stabilizing compounds.
Sorghum's genome sequence was first released in 2009, reporting more
than 34,000 annotated genes. The current work of researchers from India,
Turkey, and South Korea has whole-genome resequenced and presents the
comparative information of/S. bicolor/and/S. bicolor/??/S.
halepense/recombinant inbred lines. The researchers evaluated 172
sorghum lines from two different populations of 153/S. bicolor/and 19/S.
bicolor/??/S. halepense/. A total of 21.70 billion and 3,25 trillion of
clean paired-end reads and bases were produced, respectively. The
resequencing work also identified a large set of polymorphisms,
consisting of 665,378,447 high-quality variants which is the first whole
genome map of SNPs, indels, SVs, and CNVs in a sorghum panel that
includes/S. halepense/genome. This can be used in future research in
functional genomicsand genome-assisted breeding.
Whole-genome resequencing of Sorghum bicolor and S. bicolor ?? S.
halepense lines provides new insights for improving plant agroecological
characteristics | Scientific Reports (