Neoplants, a Paris-based startup, has genetically engineeredboth a
pothos (/Epipremnum aureum/) plant and its associated root microbiome.
The houseplant called Neo P1 is capable of purifying the air as
effectively as 30 houseplants, according to Neoplants.
The air that circulates in most homes is up to 5 times more polluted
than outdoor air due to volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These
compounds include some of the most carcinogenic molecules on the planet,
emitted by solvents and varnishes used in most furnishings, textiles,
and cleaning and personal hygiene products. Regular plants tested by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sometimes capture
VOCs, but without a way to recycle them into useful elements, they end
up accumulating harmful pollutants. Instead of storing pollutants, Neo
P1 turns VOCs into water, sugars, amino acids, and oxygen.
Neo P1, developed using synthetic biology, or synbio, has been
bioengineered to efficiently capture and recycle the four main VOCs:
formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene. It is the result of
cutting-edge metabolism engineering and directed evolution of high
potential microbiome on the popular houseplant golden pothos. The
combination of these two helped the developers drastically increase the
plant's air purification capabilities.
Neoplants - Product []