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An assessment of the linkages between GM crop biotechnology and climate change mitigation
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: April 29, 2024 03:39PM

Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and University of Victoria
in Canada analyzed and evaluated peer-reviewed research on the contribution
of crop biotechnology to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Their
findings, published in GM Crops and Food, with principal author Stuart J.
Smyth, focus on genetically modified (GM) traits in major crops and the
resulting changes in farming practices.

The study concludes that GM crops offer benefits for climate change
mitigation. However, the researchers acknowledge that the science,
literature, and evidence are still evolving, particularly as more
sophisticated research methods are applied. The regulatory environment also
plays a role in technology development, according to the study.

The assessment used the Maryland Scientific Methods Scale and citation
analysis to find that GM crops provide benefits for climate change
mitigation. They note that more research is needed to fully understand the
complex interactions of variable cropping systems, the local ecosystem and
global climate, and the local economic and social systems.


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