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NtG3BPL1 confers resistance to chilli veinal mottle virus through promoting the degradation of 6K2 in tobacco
Posted by: Prof. Dr. M. Raupp (IP Logged)
Date: May 15, 2024 08:40AM

A study published in The Plant Journal investigated the role of NtG3BPL1 in
tobacco resistance against chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) infection.
This research opens opportunities to develop antiviral strategies against
ChiVMV through gene editing.

ChiVMV is a plant virus that infects plants causing mottled leaves, leaf
curling, chlorosis, and reduced overall quality of crops. These symptoms
contribute to significant yield losses of tobacco plants. Thus, researchers
explored methods to accelerate the resistance of tobacco against ChiVMV.

The results of the study show that overexpression of NtG3BPL1 inhibits and
delays the progression of symptoms of ChiVMV. Meanwhile, the knockout of
NtG3BPL1 promoted ChiVMV infection in tobacco plants. Additionally, the
study found that NtG3BPL1 directly interacts with ChiVMV 6K2 protein
affecting chloroplast localization of 6K2-GFP and promoting degradation of
6K2 through the autophagy pathway.


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